So you want a Visit From Santa…

 So you want a visit from Santa? Well, here’s a list of Santa do’s and dont’s to assist you in getting the most out of your time! There may also be other considerations to discuss prior to your visit, which you should direct to your Santa during scheduling.


1.Plan Ahead for Sleigh Parking

Have a place to park Santa’s auto-sleigh! This parking space should be close to the entryway and out of guest view to maximize the effect of his entrance. You should also make sure you have Santa scheduled to arrive after your guests, that way you guarantee the surprise!

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2. Discreetly Pass Santa Any Gifts

If you plan to have Santa handing out gifts, please place them at a location where Santa can stash them in his sack prior to entering the party. If this presents an issue, just reach out to Santa and coordinate beforehand. 

3. Reserve a Cool and Comfortable Place for Santa to Sit

Santa will need an armless chair away from hot fireplaces or other warm locations. Remember, he’s dressed for a snowy winter, not warm Orange County weather! Santa always appreciates a fan close by as well to cool himself off if outside or in a stuffy area.  

4. Prepare with Photos in Mind


If you plan to have photos taken with Santa during a daytime event, make sure the background is not a light source or bright spot such as a window, mirror, or plain white wall. (Pro tip: Christmas trees make the best background! ) If you are taking photos after dark or indoors, do not have any reflective surfaces behind Santa as they can reflect your flash and ruin photos. You should also make sure that any cameras or phones are fully charged beforehand, and that the chair Santa is at has plenty of space around it for people to gather for the photos. 

5. No Smoking Around Santa, Please!

Santa has a lot of families to visit, and it would be a disaster for his coat to smell of smoke. If you know you will have indoor smoking at your event, consider having your Santa outdoors (and out of direct sunlight for both his comfort and your photos). 

6. Plan Your Payment Beforehand

If payment to Santa is still due, please place it in an envelope or Christmas card. For maximum effect, consider saying it’s the children’s Christmas list, or a new cookie recipe.


If you are planning a very large event, block party, or corporate event, here are a few more tips: 

Hot cocoa santa tim orange county christmas

7. Assign Santa a Few Elves

Having a helper to control the line, moderate time, and clean up any sticky children before they climb onto Santa’s knee can go a long way to making your event orderly and more enjoyable! Regardless, make sure to have some cleaning wipes on hand if there are going to be children in the photos. 

8. Santa Needs to Move Around

For longer events, Santa will need to get up and move around occasionally! If there is no line and no one visiting Santa, plan for him to get up and visit your guests where they are. 

9. Yes, Santa Will Need a Restroom

There may come a time when Santa needs to use the restroom. Telling him ahead of time where one is and planning one away from the main event or hub of activity is very appreciated!

9. Santa Thinks Everyone is a Winner

Santa loves everyone equally and doesn’t want to cause any disappointment. Please don’t ask Santa to judge any contests at your event, since he thinks everyone is a winner!


These are some of the most common tips for maximizing your Santa visit! Of course, it is always best to communicate any questions and specifics with your Santa beforehand to make sure that you’re ready to go.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Holidays!

-Santa Tim


Ready for a holiday visit?